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Table 1 Oxidative mitochondrial outcomes of RT,  ET and CT  interventions

From: Exercise rescues mitochondrial coupling in aged skeletal muscle: a comparison of different modalities in preventing sarcopenia



Training type

Intensity [ET]/repetition range [RT]

Intervention duration/frequency

Primary outcomes

Menshikova et al. [28]

Sedentary older (67 ± 0.6 years) adults (5 men, 3 women)


30–40 min of HR 50–70% of VO2 max (progressive)

12 weeks


↑ETC Activity

↑NADH Oxidase (CI)

↑mtDNA/mitochondrial biogenesis

↑Complex I-IV activity

Short et al. [14]

Untrained men/women (21–87 years)


20 min at 70% of max HR (start)

40 min at 80% of max HR

16 weeks

3x/week (start)

4x/week (end)

↑Complex IV activity

↑Citrate synthase

↑COX4, ND4 (mito. Enzymes)

↑PGC-1α, TFAM, NRF-1

Broskey et al. [27]

Sedentary men and women (60- 80 years)


75% of max HR for 30–60 min (progressive along course of intervention)

16 weeks


↑ETC Complexes I, III, IV, V w/ greatest elevation of I

↑Mitochondrial volume (proportional to ↑ATPmax)

↑PGC-1α, TFAM, NRF-1

Conley et al. [72]

Recreationally active older (69.5 ± 1.2 years) men and women


60%—> 80–85% of max HR for 20 min on two different exercises

24 weeks


↑ATPmax (+ 31% oxidative capacity)

(Disproportionate to change in Mito vol.)

Jubrias et al. [73]

Untrained older (69.2 ± 0.6 years) men and women

RT (Leg press + arm training + shoulder lifts)

3 sets of 10–15 repetitions (lighter days)

3–5 sets of 4–8 repetitions (heavier days)

24 weeks


↑57% skeletal muscle oxidative capacity

(Greater than that of corresponding ET group)

↑31% mitochondrial density

Mesquita et al. [91]

Untrained aged (59 ± 4 years) men and women

RT (Full Body)

3 sets of 10–12 repetitions with 1 min rest between sets

10 weeks


↑OXPHOS Proteins:

↑180% CI, 39% CII, 89% CIII, 43% CIV, 78% CV

-Unchanged PGC-1α and TFAM

Porter et al. [89]

Untrained young men

RT (Full-body)

3–4 sets of 8–10 repetitions with 1–2 min rest between sets

12 weeks


↑↑ETC Complex I activity

↑Coupled (P) and uncoupled mitochondrial respiration


Flack et al. [92]

Untrained older (≥ 60 years) males

RT (Full-body)

1 set of 8–12 repetitions

12 weeks


No change in oxidative capacity or ROS production

Parise et al. [2]

Untrained older men/women (68.5 ± 5.1 years)

RT (Full-body)

3 sets of 10–12 repetitions with 2 min rest between sets

14 weeks


↑ETC Complex IV activity

↓Oxidative stress

↓17.5% 8-OHdG

Berg et al. [93]

Older sedentary adults  (7 men, 3 women, age 75 ± 9 years)

RT (Single muscle group MST)

4 sets of 4–5 repetitions with 2 min rest between sets

8 weeks


↓Complex I Activity

↓Maximal ADP-dependent respiration

Irving et al. [99]

Older (≥ 61 years) and young (18–30 years) sedentary men and women


4 sets of 8–10 repetitions

8 weeks

4 days/week

-No significant change in oxidative capacity



65% VO2 max for 1 h

8 weeks

5 days/week

↑OXPHOS ETC protein abundance

↑Oxidative Capacity

↑Complex I/Complex II

↑PGC1α1, SIRT3

CT (ET + RT)

65% VO2 max for 30 min, 5 days/week


2/3 of RT group’s resistance volume,

4 days/week

8 weeks

↑↑OXPHOS ETC protein abundance

↑↑Oxidative capacity

↑TFAM (mitochondrial biogenesis)

MacNeil et al. [100]

Sedentary (for 6 months) young adults

CT (RT- > ET or ET- > RT)

65% VO2 max for 22.5 min, immediately followed by 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 1 min. rest, and vice versa

6 weeks


↑↑ETC complex proteins I–V

↑↑Mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1α, PRC)

Sequence of RT > ET is superior than ET > RT at upregulating complex II