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Table 1 Data categories extracted from titles/abstracts

From: Potential causal factors of CFS/ME: a concise and systematic scoping review of factors researched


Diagnostic criteria

Number of participants


  Not reported

  ≤ 30


  CDC 1988 [21]


WHO Region

  CDC/Fukada 1994 [18]


  Eastern Mediterranean region

  Canadian 2003 [9]

  ≥ 1,001

  Not reported

  International consensus criteria [10]

Etiological factors (see Additional file 3: Appendix S3 for the complete categorization scheme)

  African region

  Arabic Scale of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [1]


  European region



  Region of the Americas

Study design


  South-East Asian region

  Not reported


  Western Pacific region






Comparison group

  Cohort (prospective, retrospective)


  Not reported



  Type unspecified


  Other factors

  Non-patient group


  Other patient group



  1. The seven categories of data extracted from titles/abstracts of included studies. The full categorization scheme, and results, of Etiological factors are presented in Additional file 3: Appendix S3