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Fig. 6 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in Göttingen Minipigs: consequences of high fat-fructose-cholesterol diet and diabetes

Fig. 6

Parametric histopathological assessment of lipid, collagen and inflammation plus difference in lobules/TMA between groups. Differences between diet groups. a Quantification of lipid on Oil red O staining. b Quantification of collagen as a measure for fibrosis on Picro-sirius red staining. c Quantification of anti-Iba1 immuno-positive macrophages as a measure of inflammation. d Difference between groups in the number of lobules per TMA from the lobe SM. Bars represent median and interquartile intervals. p-values are from log transformed outcome. FFC high fat/fructose/cholesterol diet group, FFCDIA diabetic group, FFC/SD diet-normalization group, SD Lean control group, SM lobus hepatis sinister medialis, TMA tissue micro arrays

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