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Table 1 Overview of key ethical challenges of CGT (cellular and gene therapy) early-phase clinical trials [13,14,15,16,17]

From: A few ethical issues in translational research for gene and cell therapy

Overview of key ethical challenges of CGT early-phase clinical trials

Key ethical challenges of early-phase clinical trials

Difficulty in evaluating preclinical research

Difficulty in assessing the risk-to-benefit ratio

Conceptualisation and estimation of patients benefits and/or social benefits

Criteria for inclusion/exclusion of participants

Process of information and consent

Risk of therapeutic misconception

Some distinctive features of CGT products that have an influence on the design of early-phase clinical trials

Potential for prolonged biological activity after a single administration

High potential for immunogenicity

Need for relatively invasive procedures to administer the product

Preclinical data not informative as for small molecule pharmaceuticals

Unique complexities of CT products due to the dynamic nature of living cells (stem cells may undergo transformation and begin forming tumours)

In GT products, expression of a delivered gene may be uncontrolled and may interfere with normal function of a critical enzyme, hormone or biological process in the recipient

Genomic alteration in the recipient could cause activation or inactivation of neighbouring genes and generate benign or malignant tumours