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Table 2 Mapping overlap between myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and d-lactic acidosis (d-la) symptoms

From: Examining clinical similarities between myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and d-lactic acidosis: a systematic review

ME/CFS International Consensus Criteria [1]

d-la symptoms mapped to ME/CFS criteria



A. Postexertional neuroimmune exhaustion (compulsory)

A. Lethargy/fatigue


B. Neurological impairments (at least one symptom from 3 of the 4 categories)

 B1. Neurocognitive impairments

 B2. Pain

 B3. Sleep disturbances

 B4a. Neurosensory and perceptual and

 B4b. Motor disturbances

B1. Encephalopathy/Mental confusion/disorientation/dazed/Concentration difficulties/Slow processing and responding to questions/slow speech

B2. Headaches/Muscle pain

B3. Drowsiness/sleepiness/somnolence

B4a. Blurred vision

B4b. Weakness/hypotonic (lowered muscle tone)/flaccidity/impaired gait (staggering/wide/ataxic/unsteady/instability)/ataxia (movement and co-ordination difficulties)/impaired balance

B1. Altered mental state/cortical dysfunction (e.g., disoriented to date, time, place and space)/delirium/blunted judgment/abnormal EEG

B4a. Hallucinations (visual and auditory)/delusions/paranoid ideation

B4b. Slowed cerebellar function/movement/dysiadochokinesia (difficulty performing rapid movement)/impaired reflexes/Neuropathy (fine motor coordination difficulties)/unable to grasp objects/Ptosis (eye drooping)/Asterixis (hand ‘flapping’/tremor)/Spasms: nystagmus (eye spasms)/opisthotonos (muscle spasms leading to hyperextended posture)/Bruxism


Speech symptoms: Slurred and incoherent speech/dysarthria (speech pronunciation difficulties, weak muscles effecting speech)/thickened speech/ataxic speech (explosive—pauses between syllables)


Consciousness: Altered/fluctuating/comatose/intermittent coma/stupor/induced sleep/depressed level of consciousness/obtunded/fluctuating from unrousable to alert

C. Immune, gastro-intestinal and genitourinary impairments (at least one symptom from 3 of the 5 categories)

 C1. Flu-like symptoms

 C2. Prone to viral infections

 C3. Gastro-intestinal abnormalities: nausea, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating

 C4. Genitourinary symptoms

 C5. Sensitivities to food, medication, odours or chemicals

C3. Gastrointestinal symptoms*:

Increased diarrhea/bowel movements


Diffuse abdominal pain


D. Energy production/transportation impairments (at least 1 symptom)

 D1. Cardiovascular: orthostatic intolerance (inability to tolerate an upright position), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, palpitations, arrhythmias, hypotension, dizziness, pallor

 D2. Respiratory: labored breathing, air hunger, fatigue of chest wall muscles

 D3. Thermostatic instability: lowered body temperature, cold extremities, marked diurnal fluctuations, sweating, episodic feverishness

 D4. Intolerance to temperature extremes

D1. Inability to stand/sit upright/Tachycardia (rapid heart rate)/Respiratory arrhythmia/Hypotension/low blood pressure/Dizziness/Pallor

D2. Breathing difficulties: hyperpnoea (deep breathing)/dyspnoea (shortness of breath)/tachypnea (rapid breathing)/Kussmaul (deep and laboured)/breathlessness/hyperventilation

D3. Body temperature changes (high or low)

D1. Bradycardia (slowed heart rate)

D2. Respiratory acidosis and hypercarbic respiratory failure

Comorbid Mood and Behavioural Disturbances

1. Depressive symptoms

2. Anxiety symptoms

1. Unhappy/agitation/irritability

2. Anxiety

Irrational/unusual/disturbed behavior/aggressive/hostile/abusive/combative/uncooperative behavior/euphoria/aloofness

Uncategorized d-la symptoms


Metabolic acidosis


Other abnormalities:

dehydration/cravings (water, cigarettes)/excessive thirst

Acute renal failure/hyperchloremic acidosis/liver dysfunction

  1. ME/CFS broad category B. Neurological impairments are highlighted as the primary focus of this review and to show three subcategories of delineation under ambiguous/other symptoms (i.e., in accordance with specific ICC criteria (B1 – B4), speech/language symptoms, and level of consciousness)
  2. * Gastro-intestinal symptoms associated with short bowel syndrome or the patient’s medical history were not included as symptoms of d-la. Only reports of a change in gastrointestinal symptoms were included
  3. ambiguous/other: symptoms that were not clearly identified as consistent with ME/CFS presentation (see Table 2 for detailed symptom delineation), d -la d-lactic acidosis, matching: mapped overlap between ME/CFS and d-la symptoms, ME/CFS myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome