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Table 1 Summary demographics of the 44 study patients with severe sepsis

From: Inhibitory effects of serum from sepsis patients on epithelial cell migration in vitro: a case control study


Severe sepsis (n = 44)

Male sex, n (%)

29 (66%)

Age, years

63 (56–71)

Surgical admission, n (%)

25 (57%)

Septic shock, n (%)

40 (91%)

APACHE II score on admission, points

26 (22–31)

SOFA score on admission, points

8 (6–12)

Length of stay in the ICU, days

7 (4–12)

30-day mortality, n (%)

11 (25%)

  1. Variables are presented as frequencies with percentages or as medians with 25th to 75th percentiles
  2. Apache II acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II score
  3. Sofa sequential organ failure assessment