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Fig. 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Interaction between polyphenols intake and PON1 gene variants on markers of cardiovascular disease: a nutrigenetic observational study

Fig. 2

Phenotypes distribution relative to genotypes at best SNPs according to anthocyanins and polyphenols intakes. rs854549 (a), rs854551 (b), rs854552 (c), rs3917477 (d), rs854571 (e) and rs854572 (f). Y axis reports the residuals calculated for each phenotype (HDL, AIP and cholesterol) adjusted for age, sex, BMI and the first ten principal components. The bars summarize the distribution as mean and standard errors. For each bar, the numbers of individuals per genotype are indicated. PGxE denotes the SNP x environment interaction analysis comparing high and low intake both for anthocyanins (a–c) and polyphenols (d–f). P indicates the multivariate linear regression analysis comparing genotypes in each environment subgroup (low/high); Beta coefficients refer to minor alleles

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