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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of BMF analysis and all-treated populations at entry into TED12037

From: Effect of treatment with a JAK2-selective inhibitor, fedratinib, on bone marrow fibrosis in patients with myelofibrosis


BMF analysis population (n = 21)

All-treated population (n = 43)

Mean age, years (SD)

63.5 (10.7)

63.8 (10)

Sex, n (%)


12 (57)

26 (60)


9 (43)

17 (40)

Disease subtype, n (%)


12 (57)

30 (70)

 Post-ET MF

1 (5)

2 (5)

 Post-PV MF

8 (38)

11 (26)

Risk status [27], n (%)


8 (38)

15 (35)


13 (62)

28 (65)

JAK2V617F mutation status, n (%)


19 (90)

39 (91)


2 (10)

4 (9)

Last fedratinib dose in TED12037, mg/day


3 (14)

3 (7)


2 (10)

4 (9)


1 (5)

5 (12)



1 (2)


2 (10)

4 (9)


7 (33)

11 (26)


1 (5)

3 (7)


5 (24)

12 (28)

BMF grade, n (%)


0 (0)

0 (0)


2 (10)

2 (5)


10 (48)

10 (23)


9 (43)

10 (23)a,b

Spleen size (cm), median (range)

18 (4–34)

18 (4–34)

Haemoglobin (g/dL), median (range)

9.7 (7.4–15.2)

9.3 (7.3–15.2)

White blood cells (×109/L), median (range)

16.4 (2.1–103.3)

14.9 (2.1–103.3)

  1. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding
  2. aOne patient had a baseline BMF reading but no subsequent BMF readings and was therefore excluded from the BMF population
  3. bTwenty-one patients had missing baseline BMF data