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Table 1 Characteristics of study subjects (n = 93) stratified by N-BP exposure and the occurrence of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ)

From: Systemic immunity shapes the oral microbiome and susceptibility to bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw



Mean age (years ± SD)

Median length of time on N-BP therapy (days, range)

Characteristics and type of N-BP therapy

N-BP treatment naïve controls


66.4 ± 10.0


18 with osteoporosis (mean age 72.1 ± 6)

8 Postmenopausal women without osteoporosis (mean age 53.6 ± 2)

Oral N-BP


74.1 ± 5.7

90 (1,764)

90% On oral alendronate (70 mg/week); 10% on oral ibandronate (150 mg/months)

Intravenous N-BP


73.2 ± 5.5

813 (1,982)

All on intravenous ibandronate (3 mg/months)



61.3 ± 12.5

1,113 (1,282)

1 Woman (85 yrs) was being treated with 5 mg/year intravenous zoledronate (had received 2 shots) for osteoporosis, previously had a blood malignancy and was on prednisone

1 Woman on systemic corticosteroids and mycophenolate mofetil on oral aledronate (70 mg/week) for 3.5 years

1 Woman on interferon therapy for hepatitis B & C on oral aledronate (70 mg/week) for 5 years

3 Women who had been treated for metastatic breast cancer; all on 4 mg/months intravenous zoledronate (from 1.4 to 2.8 years)