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Table 1 The seven principal steps of stakeholder analysis

From: Stakeholder engagement analysis - a bioethics dilemma in patient-targeted intervention: patients with temporomandibular joint disorders




Defining: Stakeholders are defined and identified in relation to a specific issue: stakeholder identification operates in respect to a particular specified issue.


Long Listing: A “long list” of key, primary and secondary stakeholders is drawn with respect to the specified issue that indicates groupings (e.g., public, private, and community) and sub-groupings (i.e., gender, ethnicity, age).


Mapping: Analysis of the Long List along selected criteria (i.e., interest, social influence, political role) to allow systematic exploitation of positive attributes, identification of gaps or needed bridge-building among stakeholders are mapped.


Visualizing: Drawing an Influence-Interest-Capacity matrix is essential at this stage.


Verifying: Validity of the analysis is established by assessing and verifying stakeholders availability and commitment. This step may require additional informants and information sources.


Mobilizing: Strategies for sustaining effective participation of the stakeholders, tailored to the different groups and sub-groups of identified stakeholders are mobilized and implemented that includes empowerment interventions for high stake stakeholders with little power or influence.


Evaluating: Reassessment is performed to ensure maximizing the roles and contribution of all stakeholders.