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Table 4 The reproducibility of DIPS for triplicate testing of cytological samples after a one-month preservation*

From: Diagnosis of 25 genotypes of human papillomaviruses for their physical statuses in cervical precancerous/cancerous lesions: a comparison of E2/E6E7 ratio-based vs. multiple E1-L1/E6E7 ratio-based detection techniques

DIPS rounds

First-round DIPS (+) (n = 357)

First-round DIPS (−) (n = 805)

E2/E6E7 ratio analysis (+) & E1-L1/E6E7 ratio analysis (+) (n = 6)

E2/E6E7 ratio analysis (+) & E1-L1/E6E7 ratio analysis (+) (n = 2)

E2/E6E7 ratio analysis (-) & E1-L1/E6E7 ratio analysis (-) (n = 797)


Confirmed: 299

Confirmed: 5

Confirmed: 2

Confirmed: 797

Denied: 58

Denied: 1

Denied: 0

Denied: 0

Reproducibility between 1st- and 2nd-round DIPS: 94.9%


Confirmed: 281

Confirmed: 5

Confirmed: 1

Confirmed: 797

Denied: 76

Denied: 1

Denied: 1

Denied: 0

Reproducibility between 1st- and 3rd-round DIPS: 93.3%

Second- and Third-round

Consistently confirmed: 278

Consistently confirmed: 4

Consistently confirmed: 1

Consistently confirmed: 797

General reproducibility: 92.9%

  1. *The reproducibility was calculated by dividing the number of cases that were confirmed by two or three rounds of DIPS by the total number (n = 1162) of tested cases.