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Table 2 Overview of risk factors and risks associated with stem cell-based therapy

From: Risk factors in the development of stem cell therapy


Risk factors or hazards

Identified risks

Intrinsic factors

- Origin of cells (e.g. autologous vs. allogenic, diseased vs. healthy donor/tissue)

- Rejection of cells

Cell characteristics

- Differentiation status

- Disease susceptibility


- Tumourigenic potential

- Unwanted biological effect (e.g. in vivo differentiation in unwanted cell type)


- Proliferation capacity

- Toxicity


- Life span

- neoplasm formation (benign or malignant)


- Long term viability


- Excretion patterns (e.g. growth factors, cytokines, chemokines)


Extrinsic factors Manufacturing and handling

- Lack of donor history

- Disease transmission


- Starting and raw materials

- Reactivation of latent viruses


- Plasma derived materials

- Cell line contamination (e.g. with unwanted cells, growth media components, chemicals)


- Contamination by adventitious agents (viral/bacterial/mycoplasma/fungi, prions, parasites)

- Mix-up of autologous patient material


- Cell handling procedures (e.g. procurement)

- neoplasm formation (benign or malignant)


- Culture duration


- Tumourigenic potential (e.g. culture induced transformation, incomplete removal of undifferentiated cells)


- Non cellular components


- Pooling of allogenic cell populations


- Conservation (e.g. cryopreservatives)


- Storage conditions (e.g. failure of traceability, human material labelling)


- Transport conditions


Clinical characteristics

- Therapeutic use (i.e. homologous or non-homologous)

- Undesired immune response (e.g. GVHD)


- Indication

- Unintended physiological and anatomical consequences (e.g. arrhythmia)


- Administration route

- Engraftment at unwanted location


- Initiation of immune responses

- Toxicity


- Use of immune supressives

- Lack of efficacy


- Exposure duration

- neoplasm formation (benign or malignant)


- Underlying disease


- Irreversibility of the treatment