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Figure 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Figure 2

From: ATP synthase ecto-α-subunit: a novel therapeutic target for breast cancer

Figure 2

IHC analysis of ATP synthase α-subunit expression in breast cancer tissue, atypical breast hyperplasia and normal breast tissue. The breast cancer tissue microarrays were probed with the anti-ATP synthase α-subunit mAb (brown), and hematoxylin was used for counterstaining (blue). A, A representative arrangement of "spots" on the breast cancer tissue microarray slide. B, Low-power magnification shows strong and moderate immunoreactivity samples on the microarray slide (40×). C and D, Examples of a strong and a moderate immunostaining, respectively, of ATP synthase α-subunit in epithelial cells of breast infiltrating duct carcinoma samples at increased magnification (200×). E and F, A high-power view suggests immunoreactivity of the ATP synthase α-subunit antibody in the cellular membrane and granular cytoplasmic distribution (400×). G, Absent staining in normal breast tissue. Original magnification (200×). H, I, J and K, Atypical breast hyperplasia exhibiting a less intense (H and I) or absent immunostaining (J and K) at low-power (H and J, 200×) and high-power (I and K, 400×) magnifications.

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