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Table 4 Comparison of B locus ambiguities seen with the standard single tube amplification sequence-based typing method utilized in this study and those expected to be seen when utilizing a new two tube sequence-based typing method.

From: Ambiguous allele combinations in HLA Class I and Class II sequence-based typing: when precise nucleotide sequencing leads to imprecise allele identification

Ambiguities using a single tube amplification

B*270502 or 270502/13 or 2713

B*070201, 0801 or 0705/06, 0807

B*070201, 1402 or 0726, 1403

B*0702, 150101 or 0707, 1507 or 0709, 1563

B*070201, 180101/17N or 0707, 1814 or 0726, 1813

B*07021, 400101/0102 or 0705/06, 4033

B*070201, 440201/19N/27 or 0720, 4416 or 0724, 4421

B*0801, 180101/17N or 0804, 1807 or 0812, 1814

B*0801, 400101/0102 or 0804, 4007

B*0801, 440201/19N/27 or 0802, 4409

B*150101/15, 3503/13

B*1503, 3501 or 1529, 3528

B*3501, 400101/0102 or 3520, 4007

B*350101/40N/42, 4402/19N/27 or 3510, 4412

B*400101, 4402 or 400102, 4402 or 4042, 4414

B*4001, 510101 or 4007, 5107

Ambiguities reduced by 56% if Two Tube Group Amplification is Used

Remaining ambiguities:

B*070201, 180101/17N or 0707, 1814 or 0726, 1813

B*070201, 440201/19N/27 or 0720, 4416 or 0724, 4421

B*0801, 180101/17N or 0804, 1807 or 0812, 1814

B*0801, 440201/19N/27 or 0802, 4409

B*150101/15, 3503/13

B*1503, 3501 or 1529, 3528

B*3501, 400101/0102 or 3520, 4007

B*400101, 4402 or 400102, 4402 or 4042, 4414

B*4001, 510101 or 4007, 5107