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Table 1 Histological score of tendon repair

From: Efficacy of a mesenchymal stem cell loaded surgical mesh for tendon repair in rats






dense, clearly defined parallel collagen bundles oriented tangentally

a sparse network of small arteries oriented parallel to the collagen fibers in thin, fibrous septa between the bundles

fairly even, sparse distribution of cells with thin wavy nuclei located between collagen bundles


less than 25% of collagen bundles have a diffuse structure with blurring of individual bundles

less than 25% irregular vascularization: increased capillaries

less than 25% abnormal increased cellularity with rounded nuclei oriented in rows


less than 50% of collagen bundles have a diffuse structure with blurring of individual bundles

less than 50% irregular vascularization: increased capillaries; groups of thick-walled vessels distributed unevenly in the hypercellular tendon

less than 50% abnormal increased cellularity with rounded nuclei oriented in rows


more than 50% of collagen bundles have a diffuse structure with blurring of individual bundles

more than 50% irregular vascularization: increased capillaries; groups of thick-walled vessels distributed unevenly in the hypercellular tendon; proliferating vessels are nodular and may be perpendicular to the collagen bundles

more than 50% abnormal increased cellularity with rounded nuclei oriented in rows