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Table 1 Major elements influencing tumor escape from adaptive immune recognition and destruction

From: Optimal MHC-II-restricted tumor antigen presentation to CD4+ T helper cells: the key issue for development of anti-tumor vaccines

1. Tumor-related

 - Insufficient tumor antigen expression

 - Loss of MHC class I expression by tumor

 - Lack of MHC class II expression by tumor

 - Production of immunosuppressive factors for T and B cells

2. Immune cells-related

 - Insufficient lymphocyte penetration into the tumor tissue

 - Lack of T cell help

   Insufficient MHC-II-restricted antigen presentation

   Insufficient TH triggering

 - Lack or insufficient CTL activity

   Insufficient MHC-I-restricted antigen presentation

   Insufficient support by TH cells

   Scarce lytic activity

 - Extrinsic functional blocking of T cells

   Regulatory and suppressor cells

   Inhibitory cytokines