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Fig. 4 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Artificial intelligence assists identification and pathologic classification of glomerular lesions in patients with diabetic nephropathy

Fig. 4

Intraglomerular lesions within one patient are not parallel to each other. The common presentation showed that a patient in class III had Kimmelstiel–Wilson (KW) lesions (A) accompanied by severe mesangial expansion (B). While in uncommon presentation, a patient in class III had a KW lesion (C) accompanied by mild mesangial expansion (D). Cyan: Bowman capsule; red: podocytes (P); blue: mesangial cells (M); green: endothelial cells (E); yellow: mesangial area; asterisk, KW lesions. Mf: mesangial area fraction. Scale bar: 50 μm

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